We’ve all been there.

You’ve just moved to London (or some other great city) and life’s going great. Work’s going great and you’re feeling settled. Then, out of nowhere, comes the homesickness. That indescribable gut-punch combo of nostalgia and loneliness.

It sucks, but it doesn’t last.

It could be that last Skype session you had with the folks back home that did it. Or news that the family pooch is getting old. Or just some oblique reminder of something that is quintessentially ‘home’.

For the team at Kiwi Movers, it’s often the food we miss. We love our food and London’s got some of the best in the world. It’s even got some great places to go for Kiwi cuisine, but sometimes all you crave is a Peanut Slab or some Rashuns (if you’re a Kiwi at least). You can’t get them anywhere over here.

Kiwi Movers want to ship you some goodies

We can’t cure homesickness, but we can help keep you stocked up on those little treats that just taste like home.

Do the 10-second quiz up top and tell us what you miss. Then share on Facebook. One lucky so and so will be chosen to receive a month’s supply of the good stuff – whatever it is you crave (from the quiz selection, obviously. We can’t be shipping caviar).

Whatever you pick – shipping from London to wherever you’re currently living – on us.

And remember, if you want to ship some of the good stuff to a friend or family member living overseas, check out our door-to-door international shipping service.