Yes, this is an actor’s head shot! Our london mover of the month is in fact an up and coming actor – Darcy Vanhinsbergh
Between parts, Darcy keeps fit by working at Kiwi Movers and will be playing the part of Laertes in Hamlet to be performed at the Riverside Studio between the 28th May and 22nd June. You can check out times and dates here.
Here are a few facts about Darcy:
Date you joined Kiwi Movers? When big green trucks were the things dreams were made of…..2010
Place of Birth? Penzance
What is the most interesting move you have done at Kiwi Movers? Just outside Greenwich…Horses and ladies of the night everywhere. 
Interesting Fact About Yourself? I was born with one eye shut for two weeks
Hobbies? Surfing / climbing
Which Rugby team do you support? Cornish Pirates….Because they arrrrrre the best 
What do you enjoy most about working for Kiwi Movers? The great guys I have the pleasure of working with on a regular basis.
How would you rate the English Summer? The best in the world. Fact (hasn’t travelled much…yet)
Best place you’ve travelled to so far in Europe? Basingstoke (see above)
Don’t forget to get us tickets to the BAFTA’s Darcy!